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Once you purchase this class, you will receive INSTANT ACCESS to Katja’s classroom to download her supply list and watch our Live recoreded class from our art venture events. To access this, login to your account in the store, and click on Katja’s Classroom.
Hello! I am Katja from Sweden. I am a mixed media artist and I enjoy working with several different designs from clean and simple to steampunk style that incorporates many different layers. I love the freedom to do what I enjoy. To start with a blank canvas or page and fully explore my creative process. I hope that I can be an inspiration to others to find their creative side while learning to appreciate the process, not getting discouraged, and exploring their dreams of artistic expression by having their own voice within their designs.
Discover artistic freedom and new possibilities in your creativity as you add your own personalized texture on “tiles” to alter an album cover. Using chipboard, paints, and metallic wax for added shine, you will give your album a Far East feel with your own unique pattern. Learn the creative possibilities of modeling paste and lots of techniques for many applications. Together we will find the unexpected possibilities of your creative process.
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